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The case of Leon Trotsky

  • New paperback 837 pages
  • Pathfinder Press 2008
  • First edition: Merit/Pathfinder 1968
  • ISBN: 9780873488686


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Weight 0.806 kg



History, Revolutionary Strategy

Was the regime of Joseph Stalin and his heirs a continuation of the Bolshevik-led workers and peasants government established by the October 1917 Revolution? No! says Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky in testimony before a 1937 international commission of inquiry into Stalin’s Moscow frame-up trials.

Reviewing forty years of working-class struggle in which Trotsky was a participant and leader, he discusses the fight to restore V.I. Lenin’s revolutionary internationalist course and why the Stalin regime organized the Moscow Trials. He explains working people’s stake in the unfolding Spanish Revolution, the fight against fascism in Germany, efforts to build a world revolutionary party, and much more.