Humanism & Socialism

  • New paperback 190 pages.
  • Pathfinder Press 1973.
  • First published 1973.
  • ISBN: 9780873483094


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  • How did society, speech, and thought originate?
  • Can the conflicts that arise in society be resolved through education and appeals to conscience? Or do they reflect irreconcilable antagonisms between classes with conflicting interests – the exploited and the exploiters?
  • Can a genuinely human society be built without a socialist revolution?

George Novack explains how Marxism bases itself upon the decisive role of the revolutionary struggle of working people to bring forth a world free of national oppression and class exploitation. And how it deepened and amplified the humanist tradition by placing humanism’s enduring elements on a firm materialist foundation, inseparably linked to that struggle.

Eight essays on fundamental questions of politics, history, and science.

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