Writings of Leon Trotsky [1930]

  • New paperback 578 pages.
  • Pathfinder Press 2012.
  • First published 1975.
  • ISBN: 9780873484138


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Economics, History, Philosophy, Russian Revolution

Here Trotsky presents his criticisms and alternatives to the theory and practice of the Stalinist bureaucracy at home and abroad – to its economic adventurism and political repression in the Soviet Union, and to the ultra-left, Moscow-dictated policy of the ‘third period’, a sectarian schema decorated with radical rhetoric that prevented the Communist parties throughout the world from taking advantage of the capitalist crisis.

This volume includes writings on the formation of the International Left Opposition; the nature of internationalism; the machinations of an unscrupulous publisher in Dresden; how leaders were made and unmade in the Communist International; the slogan of a national assembly in China; the role of democratic demands in fascist Italy; a debate over centrism in French union circles; revolutionary tasks in India; and much more!

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